Saturday, March 17, 2012

Free E-novel... My hopes, my plea...

Today and tomorrow (3/17-18), I'm giving away THE CONCRETE MAZE, a hardboiled, noir novel of about 72,000 words.  It was first published some years ago as a paperback, and got very nice reviews and blurbs from a wide variety of people. It's a quality product that didn't get into enough hands. I'm hopeful it does better now. I'm new to e-book advertising - most authors are. So far, in my giveaways, I've managed to give away as many as 430 copies in one day and as few as 4.

So here is my hope for this promotion: 1,000 copies given away. I know that for some authors that would be a disastrous result - I've heard some can give away that many in an hour. Heck, some can sell that many in an hour. For me, however, it would be a bit of a coup. Anything beyond that would be wonderful.

And here is my plea - If you Twitter or Facebook or have a mailing list of email addresses or participate on a listserv or just normally call a lot of people or don't mind shouting out your window or from your front porch, could you please let people know? Does it help to have the web address available? Here it is:

And if I've held your interest this long, let me say something about the story. In essence, it's about a father's love for his daughter - a little girl lost story. But not just that. If you've ever loved someone and then lost them, even for a moment, then recall that moment - when you turned arond in the mall and couldn't see your child, when you got a phone call from the police about your lover who is hours overdue, the message from the hospital left on an answering machine that merely says there's been an accident and can you contact them about someone who's place in your heart can't be filled by another. It's about that moment and what you would do to make it go away, to make things right, to bring your loved one home safe. It's about that.


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